Businesses & Industries Served

REALTORS® and Personal Real Estate Corporations
- Got PREC? Find out why you should be one if you are not.
- Tailored accounting and tax advice to ensure that you don’t lose your profits to taxes.
- Want to know whether that vehicle should be owned corporately or personally? I have the answer for that.

Real Estate Developers
- Tax and GST rules are different when you are developing a property. I will help you navigate through the various tax rules to ensure you are compliant.

Real Property Contractors
- Do not get caught up confusing PST rules for real property contractors. I will inform you of your tax obligations and ensure that you are compliant.

Professional Services
- Lawyers, consultants and other professional services have unique accounting and tax treatments for financial transactions; let me help you navigate through the issues.

Personal Services
- Nail salons and other personal services are subject to various GST and PST rules. Do not get caught in the mix-up. I will help you sort through the rules so that you can understand how they apply to you.

Automotive Service and Custom Manufacturing
- From oil changes to custom parts manufacturing, I have the experience to minimize your taxes and maximize your profits.
Services To Move Your Business to the Next Level